Kerala Saranya Loan Scheme, Kerala Sharanya Loan Yojana Registration and Login at Kerala government has launched Sharanya Yojana for unemployed women. The main objective of this self-employment scheme is to uplift the backward and marginalized women like widow, uneducated, divorced women, above 30 years of age and single mothers belonging to Scheduled Tribes. Under this scheme, banks will provide interest-free loans of up to Rs 50,000 to self-start businesses.
Kerala Saranya Loan Scheme
Under the Sharanya scheme, 50% of the loan amount, up to a maximum limit of Rs 25,000, will be subsidized by the Labor Department. Under Sharanya Self Employed Scheme, the loan amount will be repaid in 60 equal monthly installments.
Sharanya scheme is applicable to all individual entrepreneurs. This loan scheme is applicable to women who want to start a joint business with multiple entrepreneurs. Each woman in this joint startup will lend more than a one-time loan to the business, getting the maximum loan and its subsidy.
Kerala Saranya Loan Yojana – Complete Details
This scheme was sanctioned by GO (P) No.81/2010/Labour dated 24.07.2010. Sharanya is a new self-employment scheme introduced by the state government for the upliftment of the most backward and marginalized women of the state i.e. widows, divorcees, castaways, spinners above 30 years, scheduled castes, differently abled and unwed mothers. Bedridden patients.
An interest-free loan of up to Rs 50,000 is provided to start self-employment ventures, of which 50% is reimbursed as government subsidy up to Rs 25,000 through the Labor Department. Repayment will be in 60 equal monthly installments.
If the venture requires an amount above Rs.50000, the applicant has to pay a beneficiary contribution of 10% of the amount. Further, the beneficiary has to pay an interest rate of 3% on the amount received above Rs.50000. Successfully functioning enterprises are eligible to extend additional loan amount up to a maximum of 80% of the original loan amount at a nominal interest rate provided the enterprise repays at least 50% of the loan amount.
This scheme is intended for individual enterprises, but it allows multiple entrepreneurs to start joint ventures. Each person in this joint venture will get the maximum loan and its subsidy. The beneficiary is exempted from providing any security for the loan amount.
Kerala sharanya scheme registration and login at
Registered in any employment exchange or willing to apply online for fresh registration (first time visitors), can proceed further after using this facility to create a login on this portal.
First visit the official website of National Employment Service of Kerala
On the homepage, click on the “Online Services” tab or directly click on to open the National Employment Services Kerala e-Employment Exchange portal.
Click on “Register as Jobseeker” tab to open e-Employment Exchange Registration Form:-
Here applicants enter name, date of birth, mobile number, required login id, password, e-mail address and aadhaar number and then click on “Login” button.
To login Kerala Sharanya Loan Scheme applicants enter username and password and click on “Sign In” button.