Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana to Provide Employment to Daily Wage Workers

The Jharkhand government has launched the Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana scheme to provide employment opportunities to daily wage workers and migrant labourers in the state who have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Under this scheme, the state government will provide 100 days of guaranteed wage employment to eligible workers.

The scheme aims to provide livelihood security to daily wage earners and migrant workers by engaging them in public works related to water conservation, drought proofing, and rural infrastructure development. The focus will be on labour-intensive projects to generate employment quickly.

The scheme is modeled on the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Like MGNREGA, the government will provide a job card and guarantee 100 days of wage employment per household to eligible workers.

Key Features of the Scheme

  • The scheme will provide 100 days of guaranteed wage employment to migrant workers who have returned to their native places in Jharkhand.
  • The daily wage under the scheme will be Rs 202 per day per person.
  • Wage payment will be done directly into the bank accounts of employed workers within 15 days.
  • Work will be provided within 5 km radius of the village.
  • Work will focus on water conservation, drought proofing, plantation, and rural infrastructure creation.
  • A job card will be issued to registered workers like the job card under MGNREGA.

Registration Process

To avail the benefits of the Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana, workers will have to register themselves at the nearest gram panchayat office. The following documents will be required for registration:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Bank account details
  • Ration card
  • BPL certificate (if applicable)

After verification of documents, a job card will be issued with a unique job card number. The card will have details of adult members of the household who can work.

Implementation Mechanism

The Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana will be implemented by the Rural Development Department of the state government. The Zila Parishad and Panchayati Raj institutions will provide employment at the grassroot level. Funds for the scheme will be provided by the state government.

The scheme will be implemented in a decentralized manner with Gram Sabhas and Ward Sabhas identifying useful works and giving approvals. The scheme will be regularly monitored at state, district, and panchayat levels. Social Audits will also be conducted to ensure transparency and accountability.

Expected Benefits

The Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana is expected to provide the following benefits:

  • Employment generation for returned migrant workers in rural areas
  • Additional income support to vulnerable rural households
  • Creation of livelihood assets like water harvesting structures, plantations, etc. that will support rural economy and environment.
  • Work creation within villages eliminating the need for migration.
  • Infusion of wages will increase demand and boost local economies.


The Jharkhand Majdur Rojgar Yojana is a commendable initiative by the state government to provide livelihood support to migrant labourers affected by COVID-19 lockdown. By guaranteeing wage employment, the scheme will provide economic and social security to the poor and vulnerable workers of the state. Effective implementation of the scheme will help to alleviate distress migration and create a sustainable rural livelihood system.


Q1: Who is eligible for the scheme?

A1: Migrant workers who have returned to their native places in Jharkhand due to COVID-19 and are in need of work are eligible. Priority will be given to SC/ST workers.

Q2: What kind of works will be taken up under the scheme?

A2: Works related to water conservation, drought proofing, plantation, rural infrastructure creation will be taken up. Labour-intensive works will be preferred.

Q3: How many days of employment will be provided?

A3: 100 days of guaranteed wage employment per household will be provided every year.

Q4: How will wages be paid?

A4: Wages will be directly transferred to the worker's bank account within 15 days of work.

Q5: Is registration mandatory?

A5: Yes, registration at the gram panchayat is mandatory to get the job card and work.

Q6: What is the daily wage rate?

A6: The wage rate is fixed at Rs 202 per day per person. It will be revised from time to time.


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