MP Rojgar Setu Yojana for Migrant Workers

The MP Rojgar Setu Yojana is being launched by the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to provide employment opportunities to migrant laborers and workers returning to the state from other states due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Scheme Details

Under this scheme, returned migrant workers will be provided jobs based on their qualifications and skills. To avail the benefits, workers will have to register under the scheme. The state has prepared a list of returned migrant workers from May 27 onwards and registration work has begun based on this list.

Workers can apply by filling out the online registration form on the MP Rojgar Setu portal. Over 5 lakh workers have returned to Madhya Pradesh due to the pandemic and lockdowns. This scheme will provide much-needed relief and livelihood options to them.

Key Features Details
Name of scheme MP Rojgar Setu Yojana
Launched by Madhya Pradesh Govt.
Launch date May 2020
Scheme benefit Employment for returned migrant workers

Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is applicable for migrant workers of Madhya Pradesh who have returned from other states during the lockdown. Both skilled and unskilled workers can apply. The worker's name should be on the state's migrant worker list prepared from May 27, 2020.

Applicants should have necessary qualifications and work experience as demanded for various jobs. The employment opportunities will be provided as per the applicants' profiles.

Application Process

Eligible and interested candidates need to visit the MP Rojgar Setu portal and register themselves by filling the online form. The portal will capture details like name, age, address, contact information, previous work experience, skills/trades, etc.

Applicants should accurately provide all information asked in the form to benefit from the scheme. After submission of the form, authorities will scrutinize applications and inform selected beneficiaries.

Areas of Employment

The Minister has shared a list of areas where the returned migrant laborers can get jobs in Madhya Pradesh. These include:

  • Construction
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Housekeeping
  • Healthcare

The specific trades will be allotted based on the applicant's profiles and demand in each sector.

Scheme Benefits

The MP Rojgar Setu Yojana will connect returned migrant workers with job opportunities across various sectors based on their skills and experience. This will enable them to earn a livelihood and support their families.

The scheme will also create a database of migrant workers in the state along with details of their capabilities. This can further aid in policymaking and implementation of employment-generation schemes.


The MP Rojgar Setu Yojana is a promising initiative launched at the right time to help migrant workers impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns. Effective implementation of the scheme can benefit lakhs of workers and provide them financial stability.


Q1: What is MP Rojgar Setu Yojana?

A1: It is an employment scheme announced by the Madhya Pradesh government to provide jobs to migrant workers returned from other states.

Q2: Who launched the scheme?

A2: The scheme was launched by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.

Q3: Who can apply under the scheme?

A3: Returned migrant workers of MP whose names are on the state's registered migrant worker list can apply.

Q4: What kind of jobs will be provided?

A4: Jobs will be allotted in sectors like construction, electrical, healthcare etc. based on applicant's skills.

Q5: How can one apply under the scheme?

A5: Eligible migrants need to visit the portal and fill the online registration form to apply.

Q6: What are the benefits of this scheme?

A6: It will provide employment opportunities to returned migrant workers and enable them to support their families.


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