Summary of Blood Relations Topic in Logical Reasoning

Blood relations questions test the analytical reasoning ability of candidates. These questions involve family relationships depicted through words, diagrams, codes, etc. Solving blood relations questions requires a structured approach of capturing relationships and visualizing family trees.

Blood relations is an important topic for logical reasoning sections of competitive exams like SBI, RRB, IBPS, SSC. Questions can be in the form of dialogues, puzzles, coding-decoding, seating arrangements, etc. By mastering certain concepts and practicing different types of questions, one can easily solve seemingly complex problems.

Important Details

Types of Blood Relations Questions Key Concepts
- Dialogue based
- Puzzles
- Coding-decoding
- Seating arrangements
- Gender assumptions
- Family tree visualization
- Symbol interpretation

Understanding Family Relationships

Any relationship established through birth or marriage is termed as a blood relation. Some examples are - mother, uncle, brother-in-law, etc. Proper terminology should be used to define relations like son, daughter-in-law, cousin, etc.

A family tree diagram depicts these relations pictorially. Standard conventions are used - male member (square), female member (circle), spouse (double arrow), generations (vertical levels). Observing a family tree helps to quickly capture connections.

Important Details

Male Member Female Member
Depicted by a square Depicted by a circle

When analyzing relationships from dialogues or passages, assuming gender solely from names should be avoided. Unless clearly specified, terms like "father", "son" do not indicate if the subject is male/female.

Types of Blood Relations Questions

There are some commonly observed patterns in framing blood relations problems for competitive exams:

Jumbled Descriptions: Statements describing connections between family members in an indirect manner. Analyzing the clues and creating the family tree is key.

Relational Puzzles: All details are clearly laid out. Multiple interlinked relations forming a complex family structure. Methodically capturing relations avoids confusion.

Important Details

Coding-Decoding Seating Arrangements
Relationships denoted using symbols or codes Combined with seating order and directions

Coding-decoding: Relationships are expressed using codes (+, #, $, etc.), which must be interpreted logically to arrive at the correct relation.

Seating Arrangements: Along with a seating arrangement scenario, blood relations between members have to be deduced using clues.

Techniques for Solving

Some useful techniques while attempting these questions are:

  • Draw the family tree to clarify connections
  • Avoid assumptions related to gender
  • Don't solve in a hurry, analyze the statements
  • Use symbols to depict coded relationships
  • Combine seating logic with family ties

Practice is key to mastering this topic. Solving different types of questions in a timed manner will help gain speed and accuracy.

Sample Questions

Let's attempt a few sample questions to understand the concepts better:

Solution 1: Dialogue-based

Q. Rita told Mani, "The brother of my friend's mother met a girl at the beach yesterday." How is the girl related to Rita's friend?

Solution: The girl is the daughter of the brother of Rita's friend's mother. So she is the cousin of Rita's friend.

Solution 2: Coding-decoding

Q. If A + B means A is sister of B and A % B means A is daughter of B, then P + R % T @ F represents:

Solution: P is sister of R, R is daughter of T, T is father of F. So F is grandson of P.

Practicing such questions in a timed manner, using the techniques discussed, will help master this topic.


In summary, blood relations is an integral part of logical reasoning in competitive exams. A structured approach and avoiding assumptions are key to accurately capturing connections between family members.Regular practice of different types of questions is essential for improving speed and accuracy.


Q1: What are the key things to remember when solving blood relations questions?

A1: Avoid gender assumptions, methodically analyze all statements, use family tree and symbols to depict relationships, practice different types of questions.

Q2: How to tackle complex blood relations puzzles?

A2: Break down the statements, map out all connections through a diagram, solve using visual patterns instead of mental logic.

Q3: What are some common ways blood relations are presented in exams?

A3: Jumbled descriptions, relational puzzles, coding with symbols, combined with seating arrangements, dialogue/conversation based.

Q4: Is assuming gender from names given allowed?

A4: No, unless clearly specified one should not assume gender solely based on names in statements.

Q5: Can family tree diagrams have multiple generations?

A5: Yes, family tree diagram can depict grandparents, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren to map complex relations.

Q6: How to get better at decoding symbol based relations?

A6: Practice mapping statements using symbols consistently. Have a key that equates symbols to actual relationships.
