Improving Animal Husbandry in Uttarakhand through Chief Minister Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana

The Chief Minister Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana has been launched by the government of Uttarakhand with the aim of improving animal husbandry and increasing milk production in the state. This scheme will provide nutritious animal feed in vacuum sealed bags to cattle farmers across the state.


Animal husbandry is an integral part of agriculture in Uttarakhand. Cattle rearing provides milk as well as additional income to farmers through sale of milk products. However, lack of access to quality fodder has been a persistent issue affecting health of livestock and production of milk.

To address this problem, the Uttarakhand government has started the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana. Under this scheme, the state government will provide fodder for cattle in the form of silage or animal feed packed in vacuum bags. This step is expected to have multiple benefits for the farmers and state.

Objectives of the Scheme

The main objectives of the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana are:

  • Improve nutrition and health of cattle by providing access to quality fodder
  • Increase milk production in the state
  • Support cattle farmers by reducing need to procure fodder
  • Attract more farmers towards animal husbandry and cattle rearing
  • Enhance income of cattle farmers through improved milk yield
  • Overcome consistent shortage in milk production in Uttarakhand

The scheme aims to bring about a comprehensive improvement in the dairy and animal husbandry sectors in Uttarakhand.

Key Features

Here are some of the key features of the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana:

  • Cattle farmers will be provided vacuum packed silage bags weighing 25-30 kg as fodder for livestock.
  • The animal feed is nutritious and designed to enhance milk productivity of cattle.
  • Farmers will save time and effort in arranging fodder for animals.
  • Health and productivity of cattle is expected to improve by 15-20%.
  • Scheme will attract farmers in hilly regions towards animal rearing.
  • Income of cattle farmers will increase due to higher milk yield.

Benefits of the Scheme

The Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana will extend following benefits:

  • Cattle will get access to nutritious and quality fodder, leading to better health.
  • Will increase milk productivity of cattle by 15-20%.
  • Farmers will save time and effort in arranging fodder.
  • Scheme will renew interest of hill farmers in cattle rearing.
  • Will supplement income of cattle farmers through higher milk yield.
  • May attract investment and supplement rural economy.
  • Will help overcome consistent shortfall in milk production.

Eligibility and Application Process

The detailed eligibility criteria and application process for the scheme is yet to be announced by the Uttarakhand government. However, cattle farmers and animal rearers across the state are expected to be covered under the scheme.

As soon as the government releases guidelines for applying under the scheme, cattle farmers will be able to submit applications to avail fodder bags for their livestock.

Hopefully, the application process will be simple with minimal documentation required on part of the beneficiaries.


The Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana has the potential to bring about significant improvement in milk production and cattle rearing in Uttarakhand. Easy availability of nutritious fodder through this scheme can transform the rural economy.

The state government should ensure effective on-ground implementation of the scheme so that benefits reach maximum number of cattle farmers. This will go a long way in empowering rural communities in Uttarakhand.

Key Points

Scheme Name Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana
Launched By Government of Uttarakhand
Key Benefits Improved cattle health, Increased milk productivity, Extra income for farmers
Key Features Providing silage bags as fodder, Fodder delivery at home, Nutritious feed mixture
Target Beneficiaries Cattle farmers and animal rearers in Uttarakhand


Q1: What is the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana?

A1: It is a scheme by the Uttarakhand government to provide nutritious animal feed to cattle farmers for improving milk productivity and cattle health.

Q2: Who launched the scheme?

A2: The scheme has been launched by the Uttarakhand state government to benefit cattle farmers in the state.

Q3: What are the benefits of this scheme?

A3: Key benefits include - better health for cattle, increased milk productivity, additional income for farmers, saved time and effort in arranging fodder.

Q4: How will the government provide fodder?

A4: The government will provide silage or animal feed packed in 25-30 kg vacuum sealed bags which will be delivered to the cattle farmers.

Q5: Who can apply under the scheme?

A5: Cattle farmers and animal rearers across Uttarakhand are expected to be eligible, exact criteria will be announced soon.

Q6: How can one apply for benefits under the scheme?

A6: Detailed application process will be announced soon. Farmers can apply as per procedure once released by the state government.


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